Join us this November for a superb one-person show all about life living as an ExPat in the UK. Follow Cecilia as she finds herself alone amongst the chaos of multi-ethnic, glamorous London whilst navigating the ever-present uncertainty of Brexit.
“a vital reminder of how destabilising Brexit will be for vast numbers of people who call the UK home” – The Stage
The Show
Faced with the possibility of having to leave her home of ten years, Cecilia is sharing her personal experience and testimonials of others to ask: what does it feel like to be an expat?
Diary of an Expat is a solo show directed by Katharina Reinthaller (Labels, Fringe First Winner 2015), telling the comic story of the encounter between modern migrant Cecilia and London – a contemporary El Dorado craved by generations of young Europeans. It looks at the road to becoming a British citizen, embracing a new nationality whilst staying true to your roots, and the knocks your identity takes when no country claims you as their own. From amusing miscommunications to bewildering legal technicalities, Cecilia delves into the day-to-day of living in a country that can’t pronounce your surname.