Follow a lantern-lit tour amongst the tombs of the East End’s famous and infamous dead on a Halloween tour at Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park.
This walk contains adult themes and isn’t recommended for under 16s.
This Halloween, long gone lives are waiting to be rediscovered in Mile End. Ranging from opium den owners, animal importers and music hall stars: these are just some of the remarkable characters who are going to be brought back to life by Sheldon and Sacha of the Cemetery Club.
You’ll receive a personal introduction to some of the 350,000 remarkable people who lie beneath the ground in Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park – join them for a night to remember as we turn back time and bring the old East End and its old characters back to life.
With a choice of times, the tours will start at the War memorial, by the Soanes Centre. Please wear suitable footwear and wrap up warm: All Hallows Eve can be chilly!
Due to Covid-19, spaces are limited and social distancing will be maintained. You must book a ticket prior to turning up.